Nous contacter

Note :

La meilleure façon de nous contacter est par le biais du formulaire de rétroaction ou par email.

Si vous avez déjà passé notre test de QI, veuillez utiliser le même courriel que celui utilisé pour le test afin que notre équipe puisse vous identifier et relier votre message aux résultats de votre test.

Important Notice:
If you completed an IQ test and were surprised by a payment request, please note that you most likely did not take our test. Our website, Worldwide IQ Test (, is a legitimate and trusted site that offers two free tests and one paid test, and we always inform you beforehand if a test is paid. The payment should never be a surprise if you take the test on our website.

Unfortunately, there are other websites that may not disclose their fees in advance or may include hidden subscriptions. This includes subscriptions where the test appears to cost a low price (e.g., $1) but results in ongoing charges of $40–$50/month. These are not our services, and we have nothing in common with them, even if they use a test name or domain name that resembles ours.

If you have concerns about such a payment, please double-check the domain and contact the website where you took the test directly.

Thank you for understanding.

Wiqtcom Inc.
Penttilänkatu 31 B 28
support( at )
Du lundi au vendredi de 10h à 15h (EET / UTC +2)
ID de l’entreprise : FI29631797

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